Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Isn't it obvious I'm not sweet enough?

If I want a diet drink, I'll buy a diet drink. If I don't, it appears I'm stuffed. Bought a can of RWhites (I think) lemonade (actually a colleague kindly bought it for me as I had run out of money so resorted to scrounging) only to discover it was stuffed with artificial sweeteners. Yuck! I understand some people prefer diet drinks, like their teeth more than I do, want to keep their colorie intake down etc. etc. Fine. But why can't we have an alternative, with tried and tested sugar for those who want it? You can now have a 0 cal cancer causing drink (allegedly) or a 40 or so cal cancer causing drink (allegedly). They both taste foul. This isn't the first time this has happened, cheap brands have been at it for a while to avoid nasty expensive sugar, but the big brands.... shame on you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm with you on this one. I can taste that stuff in all sorts of things where you don't expect it, to such an extent that I suspect I've got some kind of weird tongue that is sensitive to it. After all, if it tasted like that to everyone they wouldn't buy it, would they? Unless they were told to, of course. And it really is a job to buy anything that does not have aspartame in it. Yuk, nasty bitter stuff.