Wednesday, 20 June 2007

I never thought Blair going would be a bad thing but....

...Golden Brown is really starting to scare me. BBC news article sets out some of his views on education. Yet more tinkering at the edges, and essential lots more of the same, generally the sort of things most politicians spout. My concern is just how wedded "education" is becoming to "career" "aspirations" and "potential" (otherwise known as "money" "money" and "money". Gordon is not looking for a system that yields bright, inquisitive people coming out of our education system, with the necessary basic skills for life, an interest in learning and the ability to think for themselves, rather economy slaves. We are determined that continuous economic growth is a panacea, and the only way it can continue is well training people being churned out of the sausage factory. Education doesn't come into it.

I wonder what "no place in the new Britain we seek for complacency and no room for inadequate skills, low aspirations" means. Would aspiring to be a gardener be a low aspiration? Aspiring to being a full time parent? Aspiring to work few hours and live frugally in order to free up your time for more fulfilling activities than work? How about aspiring to work in the charitable sector?.....

I rather suspect all Gordon wants for our children is to aspire to earn as much as possible, buy ever more "stuff", and keep the economy growing.

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