Wednesday 20 June 2007

Blairs new anti-terror police take to the streets

In a bid to deal with the rising threat of terrorism, gun crime, grafitti, bunking off school and all the other evil things that would be rampant on our streets without our politicians keeping us safe, our Tone has hired storm troopers to patrol the capitals streets. You can see this one using his stop-and-search-for-no-flaming-reason-at-all powers, as this child should obviously be in school learning how to be greedy enough to keep Golden Brown happy, but instead he is wandering teh streets of London looking happy. Tsk, happy. I ask you. How will we keep the country running if people start getting all happy?

Actually this particular storm trooper was patrolling outside County Hall. Perhaps trying to track down that dengerous rebel Ken Livingstone, but his intelligence is a bit out of date, the info. that Ken left years ago and is now in a glittery building down the road hasn't quite got through. Must have come from MI5...
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